11 Replies to “PERSIAN PRINTS”

  1. A simple basic theme for Prince of Persia. 2.70 upwards, HD & SD, My own designed “persian” icons.

  2. Thanks to L2K for posting these.
    Couldn’t upload myself, Don’t have a hosting site.
    Need to FIX the upload gadget.

    1. Unless the theme is under ~3 MB, the upload will fail without any error message and it isn’t possible for the theme submitter to tell if it was successful or not.

      I will continue to figure out what the problem is.

  3. No problem Mik, but I didn’t actually get time to post this one this weekend (Worst weekend ever? Yeah, probably). I was actually coming over here to do just that and there it was… :S

  4. Superb theme Thank you MM
    Great to see your themes again
    and to see one of the major theme sites updating :}

    1. Thanks CG,
      Not heard from you in ages,
      Not sure if i have the hang of posting links, been difficult to post Anywhere lately.

    Seriously. Very simple but also stylish. My permanent theme. Thanks a lot.

    1. Thanks Kong,
      it is simple/effective & actually “Themed”. high scores + All good comments,but amazes me how quickly “people” vote it down.. rather than mention whats wrong with it, Or make one any better.
      (if they can’t beat it they kill it)
      Would like to see Download count on this if possible rather than stars.

  6. Why bother voting this down constantly, Because the site where this is linked from keeps count on number of downloads its had lol.
    OUT OF DATE THEMES must be more popular here then.most of them are

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